Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mother’s Day Edition: Why Baoding Balls Is Not "Bowling Balls" Said With A Stuffy Nose

I believe in creating time for myself on an ongoing basis. Don't forget, I nurture 38 little spirits through the week. It's easy to let myself not become the priority. As a parent of a teenager, this priority list can easily shift again. While I believe in giving each of these areas its' due attention, I cannot properly do that if I have neglected my own well-being! I am a fan of yoga, meditation, and walking in nature. These three things keep me connected to my inner self and spirit.
If you are like me, you tend to think things need to be done in grand scale in order to "count". I have learned that this is not so. Trust me, it is something I constantly have to remind myself of though!  My meditation sometimes occurs in a grocery line. My yoga occurs before and after sleep. My walks in nature are everywhere that I choose to notice my surrounding, and therefore, myself.
My daughter bought several sets of Baoding Balls, to give as gifts, home from her trip to China. You may know them as Chinese Medicine Balls, Chinese Stress Balls (my least favorite name for them because your mind hears "stress" with this label and your body reacts likewise), Chime Balls, or even, Chinese Therapeutic  Balls. Anyway, I'm sure you have seen them. They are often sold in gift shops in the U.S.
Forget about reading “how” to use the Baoding balls. Although, if you must, LiveStrong has a great informational review here:
Put a set into your hands and breathe. See what happens. They can be a great tool to becoming centered. Less stress-less colds is how I see it! Thus, to learn how to say Baoding balls, pretend you are saying bowling balls with a cold because, most likely, these and other stress relief techniques will make frequent colds a thing of the past!

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